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Wizkid’s latest interview exposes more about his upbringing



Wizkid, has a unique approach to fame and success, often opting not to flaunt his achievements on social media. In a world where many artists and influencers use platforms like Instagram or Twitter to showcase their milestones, Wizkid’s decision to take a quieter path stands out.

In an interview, the Grammy-winning artist has shared that this choice is deeply rooted in his upbringing. Raised in a large household with 11 siblings, he experienced significant hardships growing up, including often going without meals.

These struggles ingrained in him a strong sense of humility and contentment, values his parents emphasized throughout his childhood. For Wizkid, showcasing his success is less about materialism and more about staying grounded and maintaining integrity.

Additionally, Wizkid believes that social media can distort perceptions of success. In his view, real success isn’t about the number of followers or likes, but rather the impact one has on the people around them.


He strives to inspire his fans to focus on their individual journeys rather than comparing themselves to others online. Despite his numerous awards and global recognition, including being the first African artist to sell out the Royal Albert hall, Wizkid doesn’t feel he has reached his peak yet. Instead, he views his career as an ongoing journey toward growth

It’s clear that for Wizkid, his true measure of success lies not in external validation, but in personal growth and making a lasting impact on those around him.

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