
10 Love Languages Women Respond to



About a year ago, my best friend’s husband sent an SOS to me. It came as a shock; for starters it was the first time he was sending that type of message, secondly, I was troubled when he made me promise not to tell his wife about our little phone chat. I arrived ten minutes early to the place he had picked with a mild headache as a result of overthinking.

When he arrived, I noticed he looked drained and had bags under his eyes and seemed to have lost a few pounds from the last time we saw. He sat down heavily in a chair, “your friend is driving me nuts,” he blurted out, “she’s changed, so unreasonable and difficult to satisfy and it’s killing me.” I felt instant pity for him, this was a man in-love with his wife and ready to do anything to make her happy. I heaved a sigh of relief asked him not to worry as I educated him on Gary Chapman’s “love language” he left with a new spark in his eye and safe to say things have been going just perfect for them.

Relationship can never be perfect because people are not perfect. Every man or woman faults as well as virtues. We are sad, selfish, ungrateful or rude. We all have our definition of love, your definition of love cannot be the same as your partner’s and this is where problem comes from. Your woman is not unreasonable or detached you just haven’t discovered what her love language is yet. According to Gary Chapman, the author of “The Five Love Language” here are ten most common love language that women use or respond to.

Quality Time: Being married or in a long term relationship doesn’t mean fun has to end. Plan uninterrupted time with her such as romantic dinners, trips and movie dates. Be intentional about her interests and values by doing this you make her feel cherished.

Physical Touch: Affection in form of touching is not primarily reserved for making love. This can be anything from holding hands to cuddling. Touch is powerful and speaks louder than words, especially for women who prioritize this love language.

Acts of Service: Doing something practical for her, like gisting with her while she cooks or running an errand, can make a woman feel loved and supported.

Listening: Not listening is the number one mistake most men make. Women like to talk, and value it when their partner truly listens to them and responds thoughtfully to what they’re saying.

Compliments: Every woman wants to feel special. Not just feeling sexually attractive to you, but they want to know they’re appreciated, use your words.

Recieving Gifts: For women who prioritize this love language, gifts don’t have to be expensive or extravagant; even small thoughtful gestures like a call in the middle of the day can make a big impact.

Quality Conversation: Women use conversation primarily to form connections with people, with that said, having meaningful discussion can help strengthen the emotional connection between partners.

Acceptance: No woman wants to walk on eggshells around her partner. Women who prioritize this love language want to be fully accepted and not rejected for who they are or what they want.

Unforgettable Memories: Looking back on shared experiences, such as anniversaries, special vacations, or other memorable moments, can be a powerful way to strengthen a relationship.

Emotional Support: Nothing beats having a compassionate partner that feels your pain as much as you do and support you. Women who prioritize this love language might feel unloved if you’re not supportive emotionally.

Remember, the key is to find out which love language your partner prefers.


  1. JP

    24 August 2024 at 6h42

    I just got schooled. Lol! Thanks

  2. Queen of White Hearts

    24 August 2024 at 19h40


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