
Why Yemi Alade Tagged her Latest Album “REBEL QUEEN”



Yemi Alade’s latest album, “Rebel“, is a testament to her unwavering commitment to being true to herself. In a world where conformity is often celebrated, Yemi Alade dares to be different. She embarks on a journey of self-discovery, embracing the unconventional and the uncharted path of music.

As she reveals on Instagram, “to be a REBEL is to travel paths that have less been traveled.” For Yemi Alade, this means venturing into unexplored sounds and styles, fearlessly pushing the boundaries of her art. “Rebel” is a culmination of her musical explorations, a fusion of genres and influences that have captivated her for years.

The album’s inspiration is deeply personal, born out of Yemi Alade’s desire to stay authentic in a world where popular opinion often dictates the norm.

She confesses, “To REBEL is to continuously be true to oneself even when one’s personal choices are not regarded as popular opinion.” This philosophy is the heartbeat of “Rebel”, an album that proudly wears its individuality like a badge of honour.

As her 10th body of work, “Rebel” marks a milestone in Yemi Alade’s illustrious career. It’s a reflection of her growth, her courage, and her unwavering dedication to her craft.

Here’s the tracklist for Yemi Alade’s “Rebel” album:

1. Karibu
2. Tomorrow
3. Ki lo wa wa
4. Chairman
5. Ije Love
6. I’m Sorry
7. Happy Day
8. Bop
9. Big connection
10. African Woman
11. Peace and love
12. Medaase
13. Big vibes
14. Carry me
15. Lipeka
16. Baddie Remix

Join Yemi Alade on her rebellious journey, as she dares to be different and inspires us to do the same. Listen to REBEL and inspire authenticity.

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