Premiered on July 28, 2024, House of Ga’a is a drama-thriller movie which was directed and produced by the renowned Bolanle Austen-Peters. It has been a...
“Different Strokes” released in Cinemas in March 2024 is a heartwarming and thought-provoking film that delves into the complexities of marriage and relationships. Director Biodun Stephen...
Lilian Esoro is a Nigerian actress, model, and entrepreneur. She was born on March 9, 1982, in Imo State, Nigeria. She is the CEO of Lioca...
Linda Adesuwa Osifo is a Nigerian actress, model, and TV host and Humanitarian. She was born on July 27, 1991, in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria....
Released on August 3, 2024, in cinemas “The Big Score” is a drama-thriller film directed by Shalom Chiki Uyi and produced by Raymond Jefferson. The movie...
“Time doesn’t close a book; it only reveals the beginning of a new chapter” The above quote from the movie has sunk deep into the hearts...
Ruth Kadiri is an award-winning actress, scriptwriter and producer. She’s the producer of “Alaye” her debut prime video released on July, 2024, where she played the...