The Carpenter Directed by Garrett Batty invites viewers into an inspiring world where combat and craft intertwine to shape a man’s journey. Oren, an apprentice from...
Gladiator 2 is shaping up to be one of the most exciting movie releases of the year. Directed by Ridley Scott, who created the original Gladiator,...
Armor directed by Justin Routt is a gripping, high-stakes thriller that combines the intensity of a heist movie with the emotional depth of a father-son bond....
Flight Risk is a thrilling action-packed movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The story revolves around Winston,...
Red One, a Christmas action-comedy film, is poised to redefine the holiday movie genre with its high-stakes adventure and undeniable star power. Featuring Dwayne “The Rock”...
Ehizogie “Ehi” Ogbebor is a prominent Nigerian entrepreneur and interior designer, recognized for her impressive work in luxury decor and her entrepreneurial success. Born on...
Mimi Orjiekwe is a well-known Nigerian actress, model, and entrepreneur, recognized for her engaging roles in Nollywood films and her impact in various business ventures. Born on...
Mojibade Sosanya, known professionally as “The Lady MC,” is one of Nigeria’s most prominent and versatile event hosts, television presenters, and corporate communications experts. She has...
Tony Elumelu is a prominent Nigerian entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist, widely recognized for his transformative impact on Africa’s banking sector and his efforts to foster entrepreneurship...
Award-winning Afrobeats icon Davido made an unforgettable entrance at the 2024 Lagos Fashion Week, energizing one of the continent’s most celebrated fashion gatherings with a surprise...