Jade Osiberu is a Nigerian film producer, screenwriter, and entrepreneur who has made a significant impact on the Nollywood film industry. With a career spanning over...
On October 25, 2024, the Nigerian thriller “Hijack ’93” was released on Netflix . The film, directed by Robert Peters and produced by Charles Okpaleke, dramatizes...
The 2024 Nigerian historical drama film Lisabi: The Uprising was written by Yinka Olaoye and Niyi Akinmolayan, produced by Victoria Akujobi and Adebimpe Oyebade. The cast...
The 2023 Nigerian drama film Something Like Gold was directed by Kayode Kasum and written by Adaeze Ibechukwu. The film revolves around a woman who, after...
Released on August 3, 2024, in cinemas “The Big Score” is a drama-thriller film directed by Shalom Chiki Uyi and produced by Raymond Jefferson. The movie...
Are you willing to risk it all just to save your own blood from dieing? “Criminal” (2024), directed by Dolapo Adigun and produced by Victoria Akujobi,...