On October 25, 2024, the Nigerian thriller “Hijack ’93” was released on Netflix . The film, directed by Robert Peters and produced by Charles Okpaleke, dramatizes...
The 2024 Nigerian historical drama film Lisabi: The Uprising was written by Yinka Olaoye and Niyi Akinmolayan, produced by Victoria Akujobi and Adebimpe Oyebade. The cast...
The 2023 Nigerian drama film Something Like Gold was directed by Kayode Kasum and written by Adaeze Ibechukwu. The film revolves around a woman who, after...
Emeka Akumefule, known professionally as Blaqbonez, is a Nigerian rapper and singer signed to Chocolate city. Blaqbonez is popularly known for his distinct rap style as well...
Born on November 21, 1992, David Adedeji Adeleke OON, better known by his stage name Davido, is a Nigerian singer, songwriter, and record producer. He’s considered one...
Entrepreneur, philanthropist, and media personality Anita Natacha Akide is better known by her stage name Symply Tacha. She’s been a housemate on Big Brother Naija...
Toke Makinwa Is a Nigerian radio personality, television host, vlogger, lifestyle entrepreneur, actress and author. Born on November 3rd, 1984, in Lagos State. She is well-known...
Kulture Kiari so areal princess for her birthday!
The 22 years old celeb, ILEBAYE ODINIYA, winner of the bbnaija all stars spotted at Kigali Rwanda arriving at Trace Music Awards.
Simi Gold, was spotted at Eiffel Tower Paris October 2023 beautiful as always.